Shoppingcenter eller ekopark?
We're exploring the dark side of consumerism, which would be the planning and architecture.We have been looking at how the Öresund Region will deal with population growth in the future, as pressures increase on infrastructure and services to the public. We think the edges of urban areas are key points for this growth, which makes shopping centers a great place to start. The shopping center today plays an important role in people’s daily lives. It is used for shopping, leisure and as a meeting place. However, the planning of shopping centers currently creates many challenges to make future growth in the region more sustainable. It is our goal to come up with a future plan that is both sustainable and innovative. (Laura Hirsanfova, Suzanne Roth, Esbjörn Kjell, Wednesday, February 28, 2007)
Från bloggen: http://o-vision.blogspot.com/, ett kommunikationsforum för kursen i hållbar landskapsplanering för åk 4 på Landskapsarkitektutbildningen, slu Alnarp.

Restoring wetland ecosystems in
neighborhoods where they have been
engineered into pipes and filled in
for development has become a familiar
goal within ecological design.
However, it may also be a successful
economic redevelopment strategy
for urban neighborhoods.
(Jennifer Dowdell, Harrison Fraker, and Joan Nassauer)
Rapport hittad på sidan:
Landscape Ecology, Design and Perception Lab, Professor Joan Iverson Nassauer, Michigan University.
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